Connectors are the middle man between the Anchor and the Body Support. A connector attaches a worker’s harness to a secure attachment point, making a complete personal fall arrest system (PFAS).
Connectors intended for individuals typically include a shock absorber to reduce the falling forces transmitted to the wearer.
Alternatively, position/travel restricting connectors are simple lanyard designed to reduce the potential of entering a hazardous area.
Types of Connectors
There are three types of connections in the ABC’s of fall protection. Lanyards and SRL’s connect the anchor to the body, both have thier strengths and weaknesses- depending on the application. Vertical lifeline systems are ideal for LARGE work areas that lack consistent anchorage points.

There are lanyards which control where a worker can go, and there are shock-absorbing lanyards which significantly reduce the falling forces experienced during a fall.

Self-retracting Lifelines (SRL’s)
SRL’s have the advantage of keeping the lifeline tight; keeping it out of the way while keeping the worker safe.
SRL’s keep the fall distance short, minimize trip hazards and may improve productivty.

Vertical Lifeline Systems
Similar to Horizonal Lifeline Systems, these systems provide a continous point of attachment across a large workarea.
However, vertical lifeline systems are for VERTICAL climbing environments like long ladders.
Choosing the right Lanyard or SRL
When choosing between a shock-absorbing lanyard and an SRL, it is important to consider the following:

Lanyard / Lifeline Materials
Webbing – Ideal for use indoors or in less-harsh environments where risk of abrasion and high-heat are low.
Cable / Kevlar®/Nomex® – Ideal for use in harsh environments where extra durability is required due to abrasion or high-heat.

Single-leg or Twin-leg Configurations
Single-leg – Suitable for a SINGLE anchorage point and work withing a specific range of movement.
Twin-leg – A protective connection which allows the worker to move from one anchor point to the next.

Fall Clearance
More than 17 ½ feet – Use and energy absorbing lanyard or self-retracting lifeline
Less than 17 ½ feet – Use an Self-retracting Lifeline.
3M Fall Protection Lanyards
Luckily there are many types and series of lanyards made by 3M Fall Protection (formerly Capital Safety DBI-SALA). Some lanyard are specialized and others offer general fall arrest. Many lanyards offer different levels of protection, functionality and easy of use.

World’s lightest shock absorber, water-repellant and abrasion resistant.

Allows for complete freedom of movement by expanding or contracting from 4-1/2ft to 6ft.

Designed for environments when the only option is to tie-off at your feet.

Built for the abuses tie-back use and eliminate the need for seperate anchors.

Retracts and expands smoothly from 2-1/2 to 6ft.

EZ-stop™ 3
One-piece lanyard with integrated shock-absorber, reduces weight and size while improving comfort.

For pole climbers, allows for effortless adjustment and “cynches” around a pole during a “cut-out”.

PRO Stretch™
An economical lanyard which expands and contracts from 4-1/2ft to 6ft.

PRO Stop™
One-piece shock absorbing lanyard with integrated energy absorber.

PRO Pack™
Compliance, comfort and safety you can afford.
3M Fall Protection Self-retracting Lifelines
There are SRL’s built for speed, others are designed to withstand harsh environments. Some SRL’s are easy to use, others are more complex but offer lots of versatility.

Heavy-duty SRL’s is built to withstand the harshest environments

Smart Lock™
Minimizes lockups and simplifies inspections. Built for productivity and convenience.

Stainless steel components, anti-ratcheting brake system and a semi-sealed design.

Easy to use and built for direct connection to a harness

Nano-Lok Edge™
Designed for foot level tie-off and leading-edge applications.

Allows for direct attachment from SRL to back of harness, anti-ratcheting braking system limits falling forces.

Economical self-retracting lifeline
Choosing the right Vertical Lifeline System
Deciding on the right Vertical Lifeline System can be overwhelming. With so many types, options, components and models it can be hard to decide which system is ideal for you.
Large vertical environments require specialized systems and can be permanent or temporary.
Permanent systems need to be able to withstand the elements and require corrosion resistant materials, while temporary systems are often lightweight and easy to transport.

Flexible Cable Ladder Safety Systems
A flexible cable ladder system is a permanent fall protection system designed for well-used access structures like: ladders, towers or tanks.
A worker connects to a sleeve which allows them to climb up and down the entire structure. In the event of a fall the sleeve will lock and allow the user to regain footing.

Rigid Rail Ladder Safety Systems
Similar to the flexible cable ladder safety system, the rigid rail system allows the worker to connect to the system and climb up and down the entire distance of the structure.
In the event of a fall, the system will lock and allow the user to regain footing.

Climb Assist Ladder Systems
Ideal for EXTREMELY tall structures, this system will partially support the weight of the user to reduce fatigue.
Climb assist ladder systems are available for both indoor and out door use.

Cable & Synthetic Rope Grabs
Portable systems have the advantage of being both lightweight and easy to move.
These systems allow users to move up and down the entire length of the lifeline without having to find new attachment points along the way.

Synthetic blended rope lifelines offer fantastic abrasion and UV resistance.
Alternatively, cable lifelines provide greater durability and are equipped to withstand harsh environments.

Winch/SRL anchor-type ladder safety system
Ideally for use in manhole entry/retrieval where a permanent fixed ladder exists.
The system attaches to the top of the ladder and provides an anchorage point for a winch or 3-way SRL.
3M Fall Protection Vertical Lifeline Systems
Providing a professional continuous anchorage connectors on a extremely tall structure can be difficult. Luckily, 3M Fall Protection (formerly DBI-SALA) offers a number of excellent vertical lifeline systems to meet your application.

A user attaches to a sleeve which follows them as they climb, in the result of a fall the system locks and the user stays in place to regain footing.

Railok 90™
Consists of top and bottom gates, rail joints and multiple mounting options.

Simple mobile/static rope grabs with integrated shock-absorber

A system of lifelines, pulleys and counterweights designed to aid workers in long climbs

A vertically suspended cable which runs the entire length of the climbing area and locks into place in the event of a fall.

Ideal for automatic hands-free operation or manual operation. Allows the user to fix the device in place for portable positioning and restraint.

A complete line of manual and mobile rope grabs and lifelines.